Accepted digital file format
We kindly ask our customers to prepare the PDF files of their jobs to be printed to meet the following requirements:
- Composite PDF files, optionally PDF X-1A when the content and format of file allows.
- CMYK color space (we do not support RGB, CIE or LAB color spaces directly), application of direct colors (e.g. Pantone) must be discussed with our representatives.
- PDF versions accepted from 1.3 up to 1.7 (generally 1.4).
- Dimensions of pages in PDF documents must be equal to the trim-size.
- Dimensions of inside pages must be equal to the cut-size of product.
- Inside pages must have 5 mm bleed on each side.
- Inside pages must contain the cutting signs and the neccessary file information. Length of cutting signs must be 5 mm and must be placed in the bleed area. No other signs are neccessary!
- For saddle stitched products: the cut-size of the pages differs from the document size, so please apply larger bleed size for the covers, too.
- PDF documents containing multiple pages has to be created as normal single pages in order – including vacant – and not as facing pages.
- The resolution of images in the document must be 300 dpi (but at least 240 dpi).
- Typefaces used in the document must be embedded (download and embed all fonts).
- Please avoid using any color profiles (e.g. ICC) in the document (leave color unchanged). The desired ICC color profiles must be applied on images before placed into the document.
- Please avoid using separated images in the document (e.g. DCS-v2, GIF, WMT).
- Please convert all typefaces to curves within any embedded EPS files.
- Please take care of the correct settings of black overprint property.
- Please remove all OPI links from the document.
- The ink load in your whole document must be under:
– 300% for web presses
– 320% for sheetfed presses - PostScript files are not accepted without prior inspection and negotiation.
- Please always use the Adobe Acrobat Distiller software for conversion from PostScript to PDF format.
Uploading files to our FTP server:
- The hostname of our FTP server: (can only be accessed via FTP client softwares).
- Port number: 21, passive ports: 1025-1500.
- Secure port: 990 (FTP with TLS/SSL, implicite).
- Customers can ask for dedicated storage by claiming unique username and password.
- Our AGFA Apogee Portal service is available here:
- Upon request our system supervisor supplies unique username and password for our customers..
If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact me:
János Dankó
system supervisor
The required document settings can be downloaded here as a PDF file.